Tuesday, April 9, 2013

LEGO Storage: Instruction Booklets

Have you ever been watching a YouTube video and seen someone show off their box full of LEGO instructions? This makes me cringe! They get all beat up, crinkled or maybe even torn! I shudder at the thought. 

So what do I do? I use binders. I know a lot of LEGO fans store their instructions in the same manner, but for those of you that don't, please reconsider. Think of your poor instructions that just want to be taken care of. 

I have a lot binders because, well let's face it, I have some LEGO OCD. Some of these binders are not very full, but I like to be able to find something when I am looking for it. My trusty label maker (I suggest every LEGO fan get one) has made it easy for me to determine which binder is which, and with a uniformity that I love.

My LEGO instruction binders. As my LEGO collection grows, so does the amount of binders.

My favorite binder is my Friends binder. I was, thankfully, not in my dark ages when this theme started. I have been able to get every regular set that's been released in the US, (this does not include polybags, calendars, other gear, etc.) therefore it is the most organized binder.

This is the largest binder I have right now

I like to use dividers to break up different categories. I currently have Polybags, Animal Packs, 1st 2012 Release, 2nd 2012 Release, and 1st 2013 Release. I also have one ready for 2nd 2013 Release.

I keep the polybags up front because they are the smallest instructions and more likely to get damaged.

Sheet protectors are awesome because you don't have to punch holes in your booklets. You can easily see each set, and don't run the risk of tearing the booklet. A good idea is to stock up during back to school sales.

Sheet protectors keep the booklets so nice

One of the main reasons I love my binders-o-booklets is they really help with keeping them flat. I get so peeved when my booklet comes out like a curly fry. Even though I keep my binders upright, you can see from the picture that the booklet isn't really curling anymore. Just being in the binder helps.

Only a little bit of a curl left

I even keep my printable instructions in here. It's really worth it in the end.

Great inspiration for free!

I highly recommend storing your instructions in some manner that does not involve just a box. You also run less of a risk of losing those instructions that just may inspire you in your own MOCs. I know I use mine as a reference all the time.

How do you organize your LEGO instruction booklets?


  1. We use binders, too, but we have them organized by set number. My husband has been pushing to reorganize them by theme and I think we'll probably do that.

    1. Maybe you could compromise by putting them by theme, then by set number? :D With what you said on your blog about how long you have been collecting I imagine you have quite the collection!

  2. We're sort of over-run by it. It will be quite the project to redo the binders, and we have small children who need our attention and food and stuff ;) I did a post about our LEGO room on my old blog - http://thebrickcollectors.blogspot.com/2012/03/our-lego-room-part-1.html. You can take a look if you like. The photo that shows our binder collection is in part 2 of the series. Most of the binders are instructions. A few hold old catalogs and LEGO magazines.

    1. It seems I always live too far away from the people that could use me as an extra pair of LEGO organizing hands. I would love to spend the time to do that for anyone. Alas. I am soooooo jealous of your LEGO collection. I am as obsessed with organizing LEGO as you are. I am also jealous of the amount of space you have to store everything. I hope to have more space for building someday, but for now I make due in a studio apartment.

  3. Quick question......I love binders to stay organized. Have a collection of 10 binders holding American Girl patterns....not sure why I did not make the leap to binders for my LEGO booklets. Now I have another task on my "to do" list. I am assuming if a set has multiple booklets that you give each one it's own sleeve protector. Nice blog (bookmarked) will visit again.

    1. I do give each one its own sleeve. Before I had enough sheet protectors, I did put two smaller booklets together, but for the larger booklets, I always made sure it had its own. Thank you so much for the wonderful comment and the bookmark!

  4. I have to do this too. Mine are just piling up!

  5. Came across your site while looking through my stats. Great idea for the instruction booklets! I've been looking for ideas of how to store them. Thanks!

  6. I usually get codes from the LEGO Club magazine. If you go to http://club.lego.com/en-gb/ and enter the code "flower" you will be able to download instructions for a florist/snack bar. If you go to the site and enter "stage" you will be able to download instructions for Stephanie's lounge. I don't believe this was available in the US but I found out about it through a great forum I belong to: http://forum.friendsbricks.com/index.cgi

    I hope this helps!

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